Bail Hearings in Canada: Navigating Your Path to Freedom

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Welcome to Smith Litkowski, your trusted resource for expert guidance on bail hearings, bail reviews and detention reviews in the Greater Toronto Area. Our experienced team of criminal defense lawyers is dedicated to ensuring that your rights are protected and that your liberty is preserved. We ensure that you receive fair and just treatment throughout the bail process. Success is borne from careful preparation. We will work with you to develop a viable bail plan and prepare your sureties to testify in court. 

Understanding Bail Applications in Canada

A bail hearing is a crucial stage in the criminal justice system, where an accused individual seeks release from custody pending trial. Our team is well-versed in the intricacies of the law of bail, ensuring that you have critical representation during this phase.

At Smith Litkowski, the quest to secure your freedom does not end at the bail hearing. Our lawyers regularly appeal unjust detention orders by bringing a Bail Review application in the Superior Court of Justice. A Bail Review is an opportunity to revisit a ruling from a lower court or to vary a bail condition that is too restrictive. If that fails, our lawyers continue the fight for your liberty. A Detention Review is another option that we will bring to fight for your release. We believe that your release before trial is a crucial component of a winning strategy and a positive outcome.

What to Expect During a Bail Application

During a bail hearing, the court will consider factors such as the nature of the charges, any prior criminal history, the accused’s ties to the community and the release plan. A release plan is an imperative component of the hearing. Whether it be a release on your own recognizance, with sureties or supplemented by GPS supervision, our team will meticulously prepare for your hearing. We will make sure that you and your sureties are prepared to testify and get your day in court without delay. We always present a strong case aimed at securing your release at the earliest opportunity and with the fewest restrictions.



Why Choose Smith Litkowski for your Bail Hearing?

Experienced Legal Advocacy

Our seasoned criminal defense lawyers have a wealth of experience handling bail hearings, bail and detention reviews in Toronto and beyond. We understand the nuances of the law and work tirelessly to present a compelling case on your behalf. 

Personalized Approach

At Smith Litkowski, we recognize that every case is unique. We take the time to listen to your specific circumstances and work with you to develop a release plan that is best tailored to secure your release on favourable terms.

Negotiation with Police and Crown Attorneys

Even before a bail hearing is necessary, our experienced lawyers will negotiate with the police to arrange your surrender and release from the police station. Before a contested bail hearing is required, our aim is to fashion a consent release by speaking to the crown attorney in advance. 

Legal Expertise You Can Trust

Our team comprises lawyers and articling students who are well-versed in the law of bail in Canada. We stay abreast of the latest developments and local practice directions, ensure that you receive the most effective representation. 

Our Bail Services

  • Negotiation with Police

    We will advise you and arrange your surrender to the police if you are wanted or there is a warrant for arrest. We will negotiate for your release from the station without the need for bail hearing in court.

  • Bail Hearing Preparation

    We will guide you and your sureties through the bail hearing process. This means that we will prepare you and your sureties to testify at the hearing. We will arrange for GPS monitoring where necessary and complete all the required documentation so that your bail hearing will proceed without delay.

  • Post-Hearing Support

    If bail is granted, we will provide ongoing support to navigate any conditions imposed by the court, ensuring compliance, and minimizing any potential impact on your daily life. Our lawyers regularly obtain bail variations that our favourable.&

  • Bail Reviews and Detention Reviews

    We do not view a detention order as final. Our lawyers will continue to fight for your release. We regularly bring Bail Review and Detention Review applications in the Superior Court of Justice to secure your liberty. We will not rest if there is a viable route to your release.


Contact Smith Litkowski today to discuss your situation

If you or a loved one is facing a warrant for your arrest or a bail hearing in the Greater Toronto Area, don’t navigate this complex process alone. Contact us for dedicated and expert legal representation. Our team is ready to stand by your side, advocating for your release at the earliest opportunity and with the least restrictive conditions. Your freedom is our priority.

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When you entrust your freedom to Smith Litkowski, you are in the hands of exceptionally skilled and dedicated professionals who will fight relentlessly on your behalf.
Call us to discuss your situation.


Attention To Detail

Smith Litkowski reviews every aspect of our client's situation to ensure that we can provide a thorough and robust criminal defence. We leave no stone unturned in our investigative process and our pursuit for justice.

Extensive Courtroom Experience

Our experienced lawyers bring unparalleled expertise and advocacy skills, ensuring robust representation at every stage of the legal process. Our goal is to safeguard your rights and secure the best possible outcome.

A Fearless Approach to Appeals

Smith Litkowski has been able to overturn convictions for clients through our process of reviewing evidence, procedure, and client rights. We work tirelesslly to attain justice for our clients.